Our Story

From our kitchen table - to a globally recognised brand - to ethically supporting families in Fiji.

Our beautiful families in Gunu creating spiralocks for you…

Where it all began…

In 2011, friends Peta and Helen embarked on their dreadlock journeys, frustrated by the lack of suitable options to manage their locks. Experimenting with wire and wool at the kitchen table led to the invention of the very first Spiralock, initially crafted for personal use but soon recognised as a game-changer. The unexpected global popularity of Spiralocks overwhelmed their capacity for handcrafting, leading them to pivot towards an ethical expansion strategy. After overcoming numerous obstacles, they established production in Gunu village, a remote outer island in Fiji. Spiralocks now supports 7 underprivileged families around Fiji. Despite all the challenges involved with taking an ethical stance in production expansion, witnessing the transformative impact of Spiralocks on the lives of all the villagers made every hardship worthwhile.

Making a difference

We love hearing stories from our families in Fiji about what they have been able to achieve to improve their lives with the funds of our spiralocks.

Mari and her husband are building a new home in their family village.

Kaile and her family have extended the kitchen in their home, from an outdoor fire pit, to a enclosed kitchen. Other purchases include a whipper snipper and guitar.

Alcy has created a small home business in Gunu village selling frozen foods after being able to purchasing a freezer, solar panel and battery pack. This has enabled Alcy and her extended family create further income self sufficiently.

Vani has added new furniture and renovations including tiles and paint to her home. Vani has also added everyday household appliances like a gas oven and fridge which she could never have afforded before spiralocks.

Peci, Pau and Fanne have all built family home extensions to make their lives easier, including sheltered kitchen so they can now cook in the rain without getting wet.

Meet our Fiji Families

It takes a village to create beautiful spiralocks for you…

Mari and Bale

My name is Camari Muailasekula,I am 46 years old and I live with my husband, Udreilagi, and 5 kids.

  • In my family I was the only one looking after my family because my husband had a stroke almost 14 years ago.

    I was working in the garment factory to support my family but the wages I received was not enough to feed my family and also to pay rent and bills. Sometimes we had no power because I couldn't afford to pay, sometimes I didn't send my children to school because there was not enough food for their lunch but I am blessed. When I joined Spiralocks all the burden went away. Spiralocks gives me everything I want. I can pay my rent, pay bills on time, kids are going to school every day, My husband Bale now works for spiralocks and makes all the snakes. With Spiralocks I bought some stuff for the house like fridge, oven and cupboard and now we building a new house and move there. Thank you Spiralocks. Spiralocks really help us a lot.


My name is Fanne, I am 24, I have a family, my husband and my son 2 sons.

  • Before we used to live together as a big extended family with my mother in law and my sister in law and her family, all in one small house. We all eat together and at that time my mother in law supported us all by collecting seaweed to sell to buy all our food.

    Now we all still staying together but I have a new kitchen that I was able to buy myself through Spiralocks. My husband, before he used to dive for fish to sell so that we can live. Now sometimes he goes to work and sometimes he doesn't, because my SpiraLock pay is double, even triple his pay. 

    I can now pay carpenters to build my family our own house.  All from Spiralock money.


Im 31 and I've got 5 kids, I'm happy of doing spiralocks , because it's help my family very much.

  • with the spirallock money I can help my husband with my family needs like groceries,clothes and a timber for our house extension. I'm so happy of doing spiralock because I can help my husband and I can do something that is useful for my family because I can't dive for seaweed like other women's do.I just stay home look after my kids do some domestic duty and I thankfully for the spirallock it help me so much I can buy things that I want .



My name is Senikaile Cola. I'm 40 years old. Im from Waya Island. I have a Gunu husband and have lived in Gunu now for about 17 years.

  • I live with my husband, my two sons and my mother in law.​ 

    When I came to Gunu in 2006 I started to pick seaweed to support my family. Every week I pick seaweed to get $80.00 a bag. In that $80.00 I spent it on flour, rice, sugar and other small things for my family needs.​

    In 2017 Peta came to Gunu to teach Spiralocks, so I decided to make Spiralocks. I’m really happy about Spiralocks because I now get much more money to support my family. I even make extension on our house for a kitchen with Spiralock money. I buy a grass clipper and even a playing guitar! 


Hi I am Alcy. I'm 27 years of age and I'm living with my husband and my son.

  • Before Spiralocks my husband was diving, that is the only source of income we have and we always have to buy our food, clothes and everything we need. He doesn't have much money because he have one hand. It was eaten by a shark.

    I am very thankful of a good job that is Spiralocks. Now  today we buy anything we want, especially our food, clothes, phone and many more things. We always earn a lot of money in work for Spiralocks.



I am Vani Rauga. I am 45 years old and I live with my extended family.  I have 5 children and two grandsons.

  • Before I was diving for seaweed every week. I used  to swim to pick up seaweed for 7 or 8 hours a day in the sea to collect them to make one bag to sell to the mainland. I take 3 days to collect 1 bag to sell.  

    I struggle to find our families needs to buy flour, rice, sugar etc. But now I got good work that I now not get no more seaweed again.  No more 7 or 8 hours in the sea again.

    When I make Spiralocks it's a big help in my family and I can buy whatever I want. Not like before. I buy a new gas oven. I buy a good phone. I am very very lucky to have this work. Thank you!


Hi my name is Peci, first of all I would like to thank you for the biggest gift that you're help us throughout spiralocks...

  • All I can say is that it's really helpful to me and my family for our needs and wants .... ( like our family house) spiralocks help us to extend the house for me and my husband to stay in, for our own room because we live in a extended family's and i really need spiralocks because i want to do some changing in our house like put the tiles in the toilet and the bathroom and I want to renovate my kitchen to build the new one and i want to put some double wall inside the house.. do really need your help please... I'm so glad to be a part of spiralocks family..."

Every little bit helps…

Over the years, we have had the privilege of helping countless families regain stability and purchase essential items that many of us often take for granted. From providing financial support during the loss of a loved one, celebration cakes at birthdays, footy boots for the teenagers so they can follow their sporting dreams to much needed groceries and clothing. Our efforts have made a tangible difference in the lives of those facing hardship. This vital support has not only met immediate needs but has also empowered families to rebuild their lives with dignity and hope.


As we continue this important work, we invite you to join us in making a difference. Your generous donation can help ensure that more families receive the assistance they need to get back on their feet and thrive.


Our story continues….

Spiralocks continues to grow, with the support of the biggest dread studios and online dread shops in the world who stock our products. With their ongoing support and support of all our loyal customers we are able to continue to provide better living conditions for many families in Gunu village and Fiji.
After 12 years, Helen has moved on to other creative endeavours, leaving myself (Peta) and my daughter to continue the spiralock journey.